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A third of UK households predicted to move this year

As restrictions start to ease, almost a third of UK households are making plans to change their living arrangements, following their lockdown experiences.
According to a new national survey of around 2,000 households, 31% are planning to move house following repetitive lockdowns and remote-working experiences.
With only around 5% of households typically moving house each year, the increase is staggering.
Has lockdown got you feeling like you want a change of surroundings?
The following were the top three reasons people felt as important to them when relocating home:
- 29% good standard of living
- 26% hybrid working environment
- 23% road networks and connectivity
Hybrid working options and lifestyle changes were the two obvious key elements driving the change in buyers' and sellers' behaviour.
However, the recent stamp duty holiday and desire to take advantage of significant property price increases in 2021 has also influenced decision making.
What are you waiting for? Start your search today and take a look at our stunning range of properties below.

*Property Reporter

One in every 50 homes has been sold in 2021

The housing market has had its fair share of ups and downs over the past year. And yet, from what we've seen so far of 2021, there are some incredible successes to take note of.
Figures from Zoopla showcase that within the first 15 weeks of this year, £149 billion worth of homes were sold.
In comparison to the same periods for 2019 and 2020, this amounted to double the value typically recorded, and meant that between January 1st and April 15th, one in every 50 properties were sold.
To put this into perspective, in an average year, it would take until the end of June to see these kinds of results.
When schools reopened six weeks ago, we began to see a rise in property listings, which suggests that as the country's home-schooling plans came to an end, more households could focus on preparing for their next sale or purchase!
There is currently an imbalance between supply and demand, making it an ideal time to sell.
It’s worth noting that in the near term, the market for family homes – for example – will start to ease as homeowners become more comfortable with opening up their homes for viewing purposes.
Alongside this, the 95% mortgage guarantee scheme will play a prominent role in bringing in more demand from first-time buyers without having to replace supply.
Are you thinking about getting started on your property journey? Please do not hesitate to contact a member of our team today.

Market boom leads to more sales and higher prices

The average UK property price has risen by 8.6%, which is roughly £20,000 in the past year. This is the highest annual rate since 2014 according to the Office for National Statistics.
Over the year, house prices in England increased to £268,000 (up by 8.7%), in Wales to £180,000 (up by 8.4%) and in Scotland to £162,000 (up by 8%).
The North West was the region that saw the highest annual growth in average house prices (11.9%), while London recorded the lowest positive growth (4.6%).
The figures reported by HM Revenue & Customs show that sales in March this year more than doubled from March in 2020.
It is estimated by HMRC that 190,980 sales took place in March 2021, a 202.3% increase in transactions compared with the previous year at 94,380.
Despite the tapering of the stamp duty holiday later this summer, it has been predicted within the sector that the high demand levels we're seeing will continue to propel activity and protect property prices.
The vaccine roll out and easing of lockdown restrictions have led to dramatic changes to consumer confidence within the UK, supporting this expectation for the housing market.
If you'd like to review your options buying or selling this year, talk to us today.

What do buyers and renters find essential in the current climate?

More than a quarter of UK homeowners and renters have claimed that their property priorities have changed since the COVID-19 outbreak.
Previously highly-sought after and high-value property features have dropped down the priority list for homebuyers and tenants, as they now seek different factors when looking for a property that meets their needs and lifestyles.
Easy commutes to work, proximity to local shops and restaurants, and local public transport links are no longer as desirable as they once were.
Instead, we have noticed a significant increase in those searching for more space, whereby those searching are willing to compromise on location or local amenities in return for larger bedrooms and a 'work from home' zone.
Having access to a private garden or nearby green space has also become one of the top preferences for homebuyers and renters, especially in light of reduced travel options this summer.
Are you looking to buy, sell, rent or let this year?
As leading agents within the local area, we're in the prime position to help you locate your next investment opportunity.