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One in five could be looking to buy this year

If you’re thinking of selling your home, you’ll be pleased to know that home buyer demand was reportedly up 35% at the end of January, compared to the same time last year. *
According to figures published on the Property Reporter website, in February, an independent survey of over 2,000 adults in the UK found that 18% intend to purchase a new home this year, increasing to 34% when looking specifically at respondents aged 18-34. *
The pandemic has influenced the features people look for when home hunting. The move to remote working means 43% of those who said in the survey that they were planning to buy a property this year, will be looking to buy in a different area to where they currently live, and the ongoing ‘race for space’ means competition remains high for homes with gardens and home offices. *
If you’re thinking of listing your home for sale while demand is high, get in touch today for a free, no-obligation valuation.
*Property Reporter

Three simple ways to speed up your sale

When it comes to selling a property, the small details can make all the difference. While it's easy to spend a lot of money staging your property for showings, you don't have to do so to make it look new.
You can make your home look more appealing to buyers and be on the right track to a faster sale by showcasing the features your property already has, and doing a few simple things to brighten up the overall appearance.
Make the most of natural light
One of the nicest features a home can have is natural light.
Make sure your window ledges are clear and your curtains are fully open when viewings are scheduled. If you have the time, clean your windows as well.
These changes may seem small, but they can make a big difference.
Vacuum rugs and upholstery
Give your rugs, upholstery, and sofa cushions a good cleaning if you want your home to look brighter.
These items can become dirty over time, even if you do not notice it. You can make your room look brand new with a fast clean of the necessities. Plus, when buyers walk in, your place will smell amazing!
Repaint walls
One of the first things potential buyers will notice is the walls. The rooms in your home can easily appear larger and cleaner by using a bright, neutral colour.
If you are limited on time, use a magic eraser to wipe the walls clean. Dirt and imperfections can be completely removed with a few quick scrubs!
Thinking of selling your home? Contact our team today or get your valuation here.

Now could be a great time to become a first-time landlord

If you have ever considered building a property portfolio as a landlord, now could be a great time to start your journey.  

Information from a market-leading property portal indicates rents have risen at the fastest rate on record, and tenant demand has almost doubled. At a time when interest rates on traditional savings accounts are low, many believe it is a good time to invest in the property market. * 

Lenders are evidently committed to supporting prospective landlords. A recent report from a popular money comparison site revealed there are currently 2,235 mortgage products on offer to first-time landlords, an increase of more than 70% than the same time last year.  

A huge 64% of available buy-to-let mortgage products are catering to first-time investors and rates are attractive, allowing landlords to protect themselves against future rate rises by locking into a good deal with a fixed-rate mortgage. The average two-year fixed rate mortgage for a first-time landlord is currently 3.19%, rising to 3.47% for a five-year fixed product.  

If you would like to explore buy-to-let properties and mortgage products which could lay the foundations for your property portfolio, call us today and talk to one of our team members. 

*Property Reporter 


Could your rental property deliver a higher yield in 2022?

According to recent data, the combination of high tenant demand and low numbers of available properties has caused average UK rents to rise at the fastest rate ever recorded. *
Rental demand has been reported as 32% higher, while the number of available rental properties is 51% lower than this time last year.
Flats have seen the highest increase in competition compared to last year (+132%), followed by terraced houses (+40%) and semi-detached homes (+30%).
Data collected from a popular property portal suggests that the average rental yield across the UK is now 5.5%, which is the highest since 2016. Industry experts are hopeful that rents will increase further this year, with a well-known portal director explaining, "Tenant demand continues to be high entering the new year, meaning the imbalance between supply and demand is set to continue until there is more property choice for tenants, which has led to our prediction of a further 5% increase in average asking rents in 2022."
To find out if you could increase the rental income from your property, get in touch today to book a free lettings valuation.