Your monthly property update

Your monthly property update

Property market predictions and influences for 2023


Now that the property market is stabilising and weathering the stormy waters of last year, we peek at some predictions and influences, you can use, to gain more success as the 2023 property market gathers momentum.



In 2022, legislation required all new homes to produce 30% less carbon. With the cost of energy remaining a challenge, more energy-efficient homes with efficient appliances, better insulation and building materials mean new builds are raising the standards for all homeowners. As a result, home movers and developers are dialling into the importance of meeting these greater energy efficiency expectations!


Green mortgages

Some banks are now offering better interest rate deals for more energy-efficient homes. Reducing the cost of your energy bills could lead to a cheaper mortgage. Combine this with adding value to your property and in some instances, cash-back offers for greener homes from banks, going green is a no-brainer.


Embrace technology

Making your property as compatible as possible with the tech age we live in is now becoming not just desirable but essential. USB sockets, automatic and efficient lighting, superfast broadband, modern appliances and homes which offer an efficient and effective space to work from home are trends showing no sign of waning.


Don’t wait and see!

With all the tumultuousness of last year, it’s easy to sit on the fence. With interest rates stabilising, the long-term view looks good. While it’s tempting to delay and procrastinate, this influences the housing market in a way that slows it down. So, keep the market moving by moving!


Slow but steady

It’s no secret that the property market has slowed down, but with slowness comes stability. Many analysts suggest that the property market is now where it should be. Interest rates had been super low and perhaps prices increased too quickly. With less volatility, planning is easier. It may take a little longer to make your move, but it will most certainly happen.


Building blocks

With the shortage of building materials and labour, property development is generally moving at a slower pace. Whether a new build or refurbishment, it will take a little longer. If this slows down supply as prices fall a little, it’s not a bad thing. And with so many decisions to be made when undertaking a property development project, whether it’s a few rooms or an entire housing estate - Is it really such a bad thing to take a bit more time over such impactful choices? Not to mention this all helps stabilise the market.


The good news

The outlook is very positive in so many ways for 2023. Demand for rental properties will remain extremely high. Buyers and sellers are still keen and mortgage deals for first-time buyers are still good with many lenders offering 5% deposit deals until the end of this year. With things happening at a less frantic pace, the quality of building, buying, selling and living will improve, maybe things are on the up!


Looking for a new home which combines beauty and efficiency seamlessly? Browse our properties.


Get your home ready for spring with this checklist


Spring is still a month away and the longer, lighter days of summer breeze are even further in the future. That’s not to say you can’t start giving your home a good spring clean now and get ahead of the seasons. It can be a liberating, therapeutic experience and often quite necessary with Christmas not that far behind us. The odd pine needle that you may find on the floor or carpet is proof that you made the right decision to give your home a spring clean.


Now that you are on top of your cleaning, in fact, your house is an impeccable example of cleanliness. What else do you need to think about at this time of year?



Give your home a good overall inspection. When you find anything that needs attention take a picture of it or make a note. Then you can create a list of priorities. This is the first step to sorting whatever you find!


Check your caulking

A good place to start is to check out your bathroom caulking. During the steamy windows of wintry months, this often suffers. The cold winter weather outside means that you have perhaps not opened the windows quite as often as usual.



Give your windows a good clean. You most likely have a window cleaner to do the outside, get some vinegar, water and elbow grease and tackle the inside.



After the windy assaults of winter, it’s always a good idea to check your guttering.  If it's damaged, when it rains again it can cause more damage or flooding which could lead to expensive repairs. Plus, it’s always a good idea to get on top of any repairs because there might be a bit of a wait to get them fixed if you find any.



Checking your roof is important; a few slate tiles may have become loose or perhaps have blown away. Use a camera or binoculars, just to be on the safe side.



It might be a bit early to get fully immersed in your garden. However, you can certainly have a tidy-up and start planting a few bulbs for the summer. Why not check the patio for weeds or cracks that may have appeared from the ice? Simply doing these things will make you feel as if spring and summer are well on the way.



If there are a couple of clear days and you have the time. Reseal your decking or fences, as well as the shed or gates. Now is a great time to get it done.


Concrete and pointing

Any concrete, pointing, tarmac or hard surfaces that may have cracked over the winter or simply become cluttered up with moss or dirt can be cleaned. This will brighten up the appearance of your home and make it feel a bit more spring-like.


The result

Doing all these things will help whether you are staying put, selling, thinking of moving or if you have plans to develop your property in the coming months.


Thinking of moving? Call us today for a valuation to see how we can help.


Fall in love with your home this February


It’s important to love your home. Like any relationship, it shouldn’t be one-sided! The more love you show your home the more it will be reciprocated. Perhaps when you first laid eyes on your home it was love at first sight. As time has gone on things have become more complicated. You have discovered more things that need attention and work. The thought of addressing these things can be exhausting when you are struggling to find the time in your busy life. You have even forgiven yourself for thinking of moving on!


Or perhaps you are obsessed with your home, and you spend a lot of your time thinking about how you can improve it. You love the natural character of your property and have done so much already to improve it that you simply need some inspiration.


The little things you can do

Show your home you care by cleaning and keeping it in tip-top shape. A fresh coat of paint, new lamp shades, and some more collectables or accessories for the kitchen. Candles, flowers, plants, paintings, pictures and perhaps most importantly trying something new. To keep things fresh and vibrant take a departure from your norms.


Try something different

Have you ever painted your furniture? Try it – the kitchen table and chairs or sideboard. It’s on trend right now and the results can be room-altering. There is no such thing as right or wrong when it comes to interior design and decorating. It’s your home to make unmistakably yours. Restore furniture or find something a bit different, that tells the story of who you are.


Commitment – big renovations

Show how committed you are to making the most of your home by not putting off what you have wanted to do for ages. Your dream kitchen, a new bathroom, or both. If you need to borrow for one sometimes the smart thing to do is borrow a little more and give your house the complete makeover it deserves. This will add some serious value to your home.


Garden and outside

A great garden can truly become a magical place. The scope for ideas and to create your own unique world is endless. From decking and flowerbeds to ornate garden sculptures. Multilevel gardens with built-in seating. While it’s still wintry why not create a fire pit and plant some outdoor lights which will create a warm, romantic ambience outside?


A workspace

If like many people, you work remotely, why not create your perfect work-from-home space? If space is limited a balance between aesthetics and functionality can be difficult to achieve. Experiment with your set-up, perhaps put your desk near a window or hang some inspirational pictures, which will stop you becoming bored of the same four walls. The little things here make a big difference, even some flowers or plants. Keep things simple, a well-organised compact desk that does not make a statement but is functional and uncluttered so you can concentrate on the tasks at hand.


Do you want to love the home you live in? Browse our properties and find your perfect place.


Are there benefits to overpaying a mortgage?


If you have streamlined your spending and examined where and how you can save, you might find that you have a little leftover. Thought of overpaying your mortgage? Paying more of your mortgage off, means you pay less interest. Heating, council tax, and gas bills have all increased. In some ways there is not much you can do to reduce the price of these things yourself. With interest rates higher than they have been for years there has never been a better time to get one back on the system by saving money on your mortgage. We look at the best ways to do so and crunch some numbers to show how a few extra pounds each month can shorten the term of your mortgage significantly.


There are essentially two ways to overpay your mortgage, in a lump sum or by adjusting your monthly payment.


Mortgage overpayment calculator

Most high street banks have mortgage overpayment calculators which will help you see how much you could save.


Overpay in lump sums

It could be that you get a good interest rate on a savings account. You can save an amount you are comfortable with and feel secure in case you need access to emergency funds. Then pay off so much of your mortgage in lump sums, always leaving a certain amount in your savings account.


Increase your monthly payment

Many people choose to increase their monthly payments.If you have taken out a mortgage with a term of 25 years for £150,000 at an interest rate of 4% then here are some inspiring numbers!


Paying an extra £10 per month could save over £2000 on interest and pay your mortgage off 6 months early.*


If you increased your payment by £100 then you could reduce the term of your mortgage by nearly four and half years, with a saving in interest paid of £17,000!



It is essential that you check the terms of your mortgage with your mortgage provider. There may be a penalty cost incurred if you overpay by a certain amount. That said you will still be able to overpay more than you might expect before being punished! For example, most mortgage providers will allow you to pay up to 10% of the balance before being charged for fixed-interest rate mortgages. One advantage of paying a variable rate mortgage is that typically you can pay off as much as you like.


A better deal

If you have been overpaying your mortgage and it’s time to get a new deal, you may find that you get a better interest rate because your loan-to-value (LTV) ratio is now lower. Typically, the more equity in your home the less interest you will pay. Paying off more of your mortgage can save you on interest in more ways than one!


Do what’s right for you

Perhaps you are struggling and this is something you will look at doing in the future. It may be that you have a grand plan and aim to pay off your mortgage in the next seven years. Whichever you decide to do, paying off a little or a lot has a big impact!


It’s more than a house it’s the feeling of being home. Browse our properties.




The Comedy Store - February 2023

Renowned as the breeding ground for new talent, the likes of Eddie Izzard, John Bishop, Jimmy Carr, Rhod Gilbert and Sarah Millican...

Click here to read The Comedy Store - February 2023.